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Web & UX
Midwest Design Week 2020
I built this static-generated site with VueJS/Nuxt and I used Wordpress as a Headless CMS.
Louisville Design Week 2019
I designed and developed this informational site for AIGA Louisville using React JS, animated SVGs, and Gatsby static site generator.
Codigo Content Editor Web App
I designed the User Interface for this browser-based digital signage creation tool. The challenge was making it usable for both professional and amateur designers.
Duck Duck Beet Farm & Kitchen
I was asked to create an e-commerce website for this unique business that delivers farm fresh meals directly to your door. My favorite part of this project was creating the custom illustrations and icons.
Comic Creator Mobile App
I designed this app for sequential artists as part of my final project for the 10-week Springboard UX Design Course. I received a score of “Exceeding Expectations” in all categories from an independant industry expert.
May Fine Woodworking
This project started out as a website makeover but turned into a full rebranding with a new logo, photography and promotional print materials.
Paint It Sweet
During this project for a mobile art studio, I designed and developed the website, illustrated custom icons to explain the business to new customers, and reworked her logo using improved typography.